Previous GSoC Projects

Discover the power of collaboration and innovation with Google Summer of Code! On this page, you’ll find an overview of past projects that have been made possible through the support of Google and the open-source community. From advancing technology in unexpected ways to providing students with valuable hands-on experience, these projects demonstrate the positive impact that can be achieved through the Google Summer of Code program. Take a moment to browse and learn about the amazing work that has been accomplished and find inspiration for your own future contributions.


Data Source Adapter for Excel Sheets

Contributor: Kelly Xie

In her project, Kelly added a data source adapter for Excel sheets. This enables the mapped data to be queried using all query languages supported by Polypheny-DB. Furthermore, the data from these Excel sheets can be combined (e.g., joined or unioned) with data from other data stores or data sources.

Data Source Adapter for Google Sheets

Contributor: Anh Tran

A data source adapter is a feature that enables Polypheny to map data from other databases or static sources into the schema of Polypheny. In his project, Anh added such an adapter for Google Sheets. Since Google Sheets got a common form for storing relational data in a collaborative and fast-paced environment, this contribution enables new applications.

Railroad Diagrams for Language Syntax

Contributor: Jaiditya Khemani

Railroad (or syntax) diagrams are a powerful and easy to comprehend way for representing grammars. With its support for multiple query languages, a comprehensive depiction of language syntaxes is an important part of the documentation of the Polypheny system. In his project, Jai created a parser for our BNF-like syntax and replaces it with a railroad diagram. The parser is called from the build workflow and integrated in the GitHub pages pipeline.


Support for Contextual Query Language

Contributor: Vishal Dalwadi

The Contextual Query Language (CQL) is a formal language for representing queries to information retrieval systems such as search engines, bibliographic catalogs and museum collection information. In his project, Vishal added support for this query language in Polypheny-DB. Furthermore, he created a comprehensive documentation for the language.

Query the Blockchain

Contributor: Shubham Arawkar

A blockchain can be seen as a distributed append-only database. In his project, Shubham added a data source adapter for the Ethereum blockchain. This allows to query the blockchain like a database using all query languages supported by Polypheny-DB. Due to Polypheny’s ability to join and combine data from different adapters in one query, this contribution also enables to integrate the latest data from the Ethereum blockchain into arbitrary queries.

Quality Check and Assurance

Contributor: Harshit Sharma

This project improved the stability of Polypheny by improving the test coverage. In his project, Harshit created test cases bases on our SQL documentation. Furthermore, he created automated tests for the Polypheny-UI. This project is a great example of an extremely valuable contribution that not aimed to add a new feature.